Frequently asked questions

This category provides answers to frequently asked questions arising with regard to the online registration for the stallion performance test. Please review these pages first to clarify your request before contacting our staff directly. 

How to register a stallion for the HLP?

Forgot my password – what do I have to do now?

Can’t login – what’s the problem?

How to change my bank connection or other personal data? 

How to change my existing registration for the HLP at a later date?

What are the fees for the registration?


How to register a stallion for the HLP?
To register your stallion for the suitability test or the 70-day performance test, you first have to register as a user on this website. Please use the corresponding online Registration Form. After having entered all data and after having thoroughly checked them once again, please click on the button “Registration completed”. Please print and sign the displayed form and send it by post or fax to the FN headquarter. Your customer account will be activated after all data has been checked, and we will notify you by email. You can now access your customer account with your chosen password any time.

When clicking on the category Performance tests and the keyword Future tests”, all tests that your stallion can be entered in will be shown. Choose the test you like, add your stallion by entering his identification number and complete the registration. You will be notified by email and your entry will be stored in your customer account under the category “My registrations”. They are accessible any time.

Forgot my password – what do I have to do now? 
Please use the option „Forgot my password “ below the login button to generate a new password for your customer account access.

Can’t login – what’s the problem?
Your account has probably not yet been activated. Following the registration and the receipt of the fax form, it may take a few hours to check your data and to activate your access. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as your customer account activation has been completed.

How to change my bank connection or other personal data?
Login and edit your data under “My account” then click on “Bank connection” resp. “Personal data”.

How to change my existing registration for the HLP at a later date? 
Editing the registration until the first deadline is free of charge. Choose the registration you would like to change under the category “My registrations” and make the necessary changes or cancel the registration. No changes will be possible any more after the entries close.

What are the fees for the registration?
There will be fees for all stallion performance tests shown here, made up of different components.

There will be a registration fee and secondly fees for services, for boarding, care and riding. The so-called registration fee includes an administration and a testing fee. They will already become due upon registration and will be collected by direct debit procedure. This is also the reason why an account has to be provided with each new registration from which the fees will be collected after the test has been released. Your bank connection (edit, new bank connection etc.) will be administered via your customer account.

To check the currently valid fees, choose the test you are looking for under the category “Tests” where all fees will be shown. Should you decide to register your stallion for a test that already shows the status “Late registration”, a late registration fee will become due for the extra efforts.

All costs related to boarding, care, riding etc. will be handled between you and the corresponding testing station. This means that you should contact the testing station before delivering the stallion to conclude a service contract.


Current status: 10.11.2023